Wondering how to get more people to locate and view your LinkedIn profile? The secret to increasing traffic to your page is keywords and SEO optimization. LinkedIn is an extensive ...
The executive resume has evolved tremendously over the past decade. Previously a straightforward compilation of career history distributed in response to job ads, the resume was basic in appearance and ...
Are you prepared for the increase in hiring and recruitment activity this fall? If you are hoping to secure a new position, you need to be. Hiring and recruitment have ...
Over the years, I have partnered with some truly amazing professionals, including highly accomplished executives who have led billion-dollar organizations, overseen thousands of staff, and propelled impressive revenue/business growth. When ...
To ensure that your executive resume resonates in the best possible way with readers it must include strong content and the right language. There is no place for junior-level details, ...
If your resume is starting to get looooong and cluttered it might be time to "KonMari" it. You may have seen Marie Kondo's new show on Netflix or read her ...
Your executive resume communicates your message and shares your value. This file could prevent you from being noticed and hired if compiled incorrectly. Make sure your resume resonates in all ...
According to the book Guerilla Marketing For Job Hunters there are 3 R’s that are needed to excel in a modern job search: RESEARCH: Know yourself and your unique skills. • ...
Many job seekers have the misconception that searching for a job in the summer months is a waste of time, energy, or effort. There is false belief that everyone is ...
If you are trying to unearth great content for your executive resume, go back to the basics of information gathering and good storytelling. Writing a resume is just like writing ...
When you think about your executive resume what comes to mind? Are you thinking about how highly polished and professional it is? Does your executive resume make you proud because ...