Career Impressions Blog

I welcome guest blogger - Jennifer Miller - who has contributed this post: Which Career Document is Right For You?      Are you confused about the different types of ...
Press Release: LOCAL BUSINESS OWNER RECOGNIZED WITH INTERNATIONAL AWARD   Adrienne Tom, Executive Director of Career Impressions, was recognized as the 2ndplace winner of the Best New Graduate Resume Award ...
Perhaps you are considering a job move...or you are thinking about re-entering the workforce after time away.  Maybe you are ready to pursue a move up the corporate ladder... you want to ...
This month Career Professionals of Canada announced the winners of their annual Awards of Excellence competition and I am pleased to be the recipient of two of their awards:  Best ...
Press Release: Career Directors International  Local  resume writer nominated for prestigious TORI  award (August 29, 2012 – Melbourne, FL.) – Career Directors International (CDI) is pleased to announce the nominees ...
If a recruiter or an employer called you tomorrow, and presented a wonderful opportunity, would your resume be ready?! Too often job seekers avoid the task of updating their resume and ...
Although it is difficult to track the true origin of the resume, it is safe to say that when formal application processes went into place, the resume was formed. Interview ...
  Job seekers beware! If you are seeking professional resume writing assistance, do not be fooled by the fancy wording or the false promises on a website – especially if ...
Many job seekers have the misconception that searching for a job in the summer months is a waste of time. There is false belief that everyone is on vacation and ...
During an interview, smile and make regular eye contact. Be engaging and approachable. Admit it, you find yourself getting nervous each time you have an employment interview. Don’t worry, you ...
Everyone has stories to share. Think about a time you heard a good story from someone…what made you listen more closely and how did they capture, and keep, your attention? ...
You are applying for a new role and the job description says you require the following abilities: “leadership, communication, and organization”. Will you be like the majority of job seekers ...