Career Impressions Blog

You’ve got so much more to offer employers than tasks, duties, and responsibilities. So why is your resume focused so heavily on these facts? Recruiters and employers don't spend a ...   LinkedIn carries a lot of weight and packs a big punch (of benefits) for executives looking to engage in a job search. If you are not signed up ...
Recently a new grad asked me for a generalized resume. He explained that he is looking for his first job and exploring a variety of potential roles in his field. ...
If your goal is to get a new job in 2019 here are 7 things you need to do to prepare:   1. Define your ideal job “If you don’t ...
I get asked every day about resume best-practices and success factors. People want to know where to start, what to believe, and how to write a strong resume if: "I ...
In recent years we have seen a rise in the benefits of social networking and referrals within the job search process. These tactics are proving to have even greater ROI for ...
I recently shadowed a hiring manager as he screened resumes. Over 100 applicants for 2 open roles. I witnessed how challenging it was for someone to read a lot of ...
How much time did you spend creating your Linkedin headline and what does it say about you? Did you slap your headline together or let it default to the current ...
Strong LinkedIn headlines apply the S.O.A.P formula: Specific Optimized Authentic Professional     Weak LinkedIn headlines are the opposite: generic, underutilized, non-authentic, and not professional. Your headline introduces you on ...
I have the pleasure of partnering with a wide variety of senior executives and savvy professionals – all eager (and some anxious) about their impending job search. Clients approach me ...
Close the job interview
Let's say you’re at the close of a job interview. The interviewer asks if you have any questions. You don’t ask any. They shake your hand, and you leave. You’ve ...
Recruiters often tell me that they have to review dozens or even hundreds of resumes for open positions. Some resumes get an initial scan of just a few seconds. The ...