Career Impressions Blog

There are many reasons people take time away from the workforce: to start a family, travel, pursue further education, or because of an unexpected job loss. No matter the reason, ...
  It happened…you got called to interview for a job you have your heart set on. Awesome!   Yet you haven’t been to an interview for quite some time. Perhaps you ...
Are you competing with the right strategies and resources?! Even with the high demand on my specialized services, I am still surprised by the amount of people that are not ...
Take a moment and ask yourself if your resume contains the dreaded and dreary words ‘responsible for’. You think it might? Ohhhh, say it isn’t so! What if I told ...
Writing resumes for a living has given me plenty of opportunity to review career documents that range from engaging to appalling.  Although there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to creating ...
   Very often I get a funny look after I share what I do for a living. “You write resumes??” people ask me, slightly confused or sympathetic. Yes, I do. ...
So you got yourself a great resume which has been carefully crafted to sell your related skill sets to employers. Now what? If you are not targeting a specific job ...
Ok job seekers; here it is…the biggest resume blunder you can make: simply telling employers about you and not selling your related skill sets and accomplishments. That’s right, I said ...
Jobseekers, the following errors are guaranteed to get your resume noticed - for all the wrong reasons: 1. Missing contact information. Don’t make it difficult for an interested employer to ...
Over the past several years many people have experienced company layoffs, cutbacks or uncertain futures. Rather suddenly jobseekers were forced to dust off their ole resume, or develop a resume ...
Your resume should create a compelling argument for what sets you apart as a potential candidate for any given role. How can you ensure your resume 'sells' instead of 'tells'? ...
Recruiters spend a lot of time looking through resumes, but time is precious so sifting through piles of monotonous documents is a fine-tuned challenge to spot the very! In ...