It happens frequently – an executive asks me to review their resume and offer quick input and insights. Often these same executives share that they are flummoxed because their resume ...
One question I get from many of my rising leader clients is whether an MBA is necessary or beneficial to help reach the top of the corporate ladder and ...
Yes, your resume tells your career story. It documents your unique career history, achievements, and strengths. However, your resume isn't meant for you; it is a marketing tool written for the ...
Leadership is essential for the success of any organization. However, finding the right leader for the job can be challenging, especially when the need is urgent or temporary. This is ...
If you are using a text-heavy resume and not getting called for interviews, the reason could be that employers are drowning in your long narrative. Hiring personnel don’t want ...
An executive (let's call him Martin) approached me, looking to step up to a vice president of operations role at a major international organization. The company had expressed interest in ...
Once you have a defined job target in mind, you need a narrowed and focused resume to support your search. Many of my professional executive clients are puzzled by the ...
If you’ve been asked to submit a non-profit or corporate board resume, you may wonder how they differ from a standard executive employment resume. The answer is that there are ...
The executive resume headline appears at the very top of the resume, just after the name and contact details. I’m often asked why a resume needs a headline at all. ...
Hiring and employment remain somewhat unpredictable. Recent job reports share that new job creation has slowed. There have also been a lot of layoffs in certain sectors. But it is ...
I'm often asked what the perfect resume length is. Like everything resume-related, the answer 'depends' on many factors. There is no “rule” that a resume should be a specific page ...
Over the years, I've engaged with top professionals of diverse professions facing an unplanned layoff due to the economy, market shifts, company downsizing, organizational restructuring, or business closure. Most of ...