Kick Start Executive Career Success in 2019
If you want a new job, a promotion, or more recognition in 2019
STOP assuming this responsibility lies with your manager or boss
and STARTย taking control of your own career:
Start keeping track of your successes. Create and maintain a brag file. This includes performance reviews, a list of specific role achievements (with measurements), awards received, and/or testimonials from colleagues, clients or customers.
Start expanding your skill sets. Keep up with future of work requirements.ย Make it a goal to learn new skills relevant to your role both now and in the future. Stay ahead of the curve by regularly investing in professional development courses or training.
Start speaking up for yourself. Ask for credit when credit is due (and honestly earned). Don’t wait for your boss or manager to heap on the praise or kick-start a promotion. Keep track of successes, remind decision-makers of your value, and ask for regular performance reviews.
Start a career management plan. Where do you want to go and how do you plan to get there? Don’t let others steer your career – take control by building a short and long-term career plan and executing it with care. Drive your career in the direction you want it to go.
Start executing! Follow through. Avoid becoming passive or complacent with your career. It can be easy to fall into a work routine and let yourself go stagnant.ย If your job no longer excites you or you want to try something new, the only person who can make the change is you! The first step is to simply begin.
What else do you recommend for career success in 2019?