What is a Certified Professional Resume Writer, and Why Hire One?
Very often I get a funny look after I share what I do for a living. “You write resumes??” people ask me, slightly confused or sympathetic.
Yes, I do. Not only do I dedicate myself to writing crucial job search documents, I am one of an elite few Certified resume writers in Canada – pioneering into this niche as the first CPRW in Calgary and the very first Certified Executive Resume Master (CERM) in Canada.
In addition to resume creation for senior professionals, I also offer job search and interview support as a Certified Employment Strategist (CES) and a Certified Employment Interview Professional (CEIP).
Typically the next question I get is: “What exactly is a Certified resume writer?”. Excellent question.
A certified resume writer is someone who has proven their expertise in resume writing and obtained one of several esteemed designations from several world-renowned professional associations. Certifications provide an industry standard of excellence that is slowly becoming more recognizable all over the world. Obtaining resume certifications involves commitment, talent, and a thorough understanding of the job seeker’s greatest marketing tool; the resume.
Certified resume writers have to pass tough examinations and submit samples of work for examination by a panel of seasoned judges.
After sharing the above, people might then ask me: “Why would someone hire a certified resume writer to write their resume? Aren’t resumes pretty easy to write? Why would I pay someone to do this for me?”Again, good questions.
I ask in return for people to consider why they hire a variety of professionals to assist them. For example, why hire a mechanic to fix your car? Why hire a plumber to fix your leaky pipes? Even more basic, why visit a hairdresser to get your hair professionally done? The answer is simple: to ensure the job gets done right.
Certified resume writers are skilled in a critical piece of the job search process, and at what value would you place your job or your career? Pretty high I am sure. That dream job you want: why risk not getting it because your resume did not meet the current standard or make the best impression with the recruiter!
In parting, I pose these questions to all job seekers: is your resume adequate or is it outstanding? Are you completely confident your resume will get you the interview? Finally, are you sure your resume will stand out from the crowd, displaying current trends and appropriate keywords that will make a connection with the employer? If not, hiring a certified resume professional would be a valuable and wise investment for you.
It’s great to know Adrienne, that you have spoken out in favour of Canadian CPRWs like myself to explain to job seekers that they should really consider hiring us to prepare their resume and cover letter. We have been trained and recognized by PARW-CC to maintain the highest standards of resume writing in the industry and we each follow a code of ethics and treat each person with respect and dignity. Still, many people need to realize that CPRWs will act in their best interest and often go beyond the call of duty to produce high quality results to enable the job candidate to become successful.